Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A cold Monday

It was very cold on Monday, and that’s a busy day for Jack, I pick him up at school early, we take the bus to Happy Hour 4 Kids for an hour and a half of speech/social group, then the subway home, then speech every other Monday, then play therapy, and then the subway to and from the gym downtown.
Last Monday was really cold (13 degrees I think). The bus to happy hour is about a five block walk and I threw Jackson up on my shoulders, as I usually do. I have a conversation “game” we play that goes like this:
Me: Hey Jackson?
Jackson: Yeah?
Me: Howya doin?
Jackson: Good!

It’s a conversation we used to have in the car all of the time. At first it was just to get him to respond and talk, but as he has progressed we expand it – I get him to ask me how I am doing, or we change the answers around. So on Monday I said howyadoin, and he said good, and I said “Now Jackson, you say ‘Good! How you doin?’” so he said that and asked me and I said, “I’m doing good, but my ears are cold, are your ears cold?”.
I was waiting, curious to see what he would say, when I felt his little mittens move down my head and over my ears.
You could overanalyze this episode, and talk about inference, consideration of others, interaction and the like, but really it was just sweet!

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